Tag: Design
Deterring “ToMany” Relationships in JPA models
This article considers the issues of one to many relationships from the JPA model, and looks at an alternative strategy to provide more efficient and fine grained data access, to build more robust and lightweight applications and web services.
Continue Reading...Make a flexible architecture now, perfect it later.
Your Architecture Sucks and I Don’t Care ignited a bit of a flame war as such topics usually do. On one hand I can see the benefits of good architecture, but on the other, this must be weighed against the real goal of software which is to either generate revenue or perform some necessary task. […]
Continue Reading...Considering Thick Client Javascript Applications
A post on Javalobby (Are Serverside Web Frameworks Becoming Irrelevant?) got me thinking again about javascript based web apps also called SOFEA or SOUI applications. While I don’t believe that the end is near for server side frameworks, (after all a similar post was written 3 years ago), I think it there is a growing […]
Continue Reading...Conversational CRUD in Java EE 6
This tutorial will demonstrate a pattern for creating CRUD applications in JSF and Java EE 6. While this is not the only way of implementing this mechanism, it does promote re-use and can give you essentially zero code CRUD pages requiring just the view code. The goal is to provide a single structure that provides […]
Continue Reading...CDI Conversations Part 1
This is the first in a series of articles looking at the conversation scope introduced in CDI as part of Java EE 6. We’ll start by looking at existing scopes and how they introduce limitations for developers and how CDI conversations get around these limitations.
Continue Reading...The key to being a good programmer
One blog topic that never seems to get old is what makes a good programmer, or how to be a good programmer, or what you can do to be a better programmer. The same activities are often listed as being the path to successful codesmithing, when really it is just the method by which the […]
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