In addition to providing resources for tutorials and training, this blog is also home to a number of my projects.

Take control of your data queries with DataValve whether you use JPA, Hibernate, JDBC, in-memory, or proprietary data stores. DataValve helps you control the data you fetch with a standard API to enable re-use and enable common pagination components for JSF, Wicket and Swing.

Knappsack Java EE 6 Maven Archetypes
Kickstart your Java EE 6 development journey with Knappsack, a set of Maven Archetypes to generate projects configured for Java EE 6. See the features of Java EE 6 in action with the included demo archetype that lets you create a working application in seconds that you can experiment with as much as you like.
DataFactory Test Data Producer
Generate realistic test data for your development and test environments using DataFactory. Fill your development database with meaningful data so you can see how your application look and performs under production-like conditions.
Generate procedural texture maps for 3D renderings, backgrounds, or just for the fun of it. Render textures using a series of pluggable texture generators combined with pluggable signal generators. It’s surprising how good a bunch of numbers can look.
Looking for the fifth project? You’ll need to use the Wayback Machine